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10 Unique Ways to Get Your Name Out There – Personal Branding Blog


In this busy world, it’s more important than ever to find unique ways for you and your business to stand out.

Selling yourself and your business might seem like a daunting task, but there are numerous ways to accomplish the task. Of course, having a social media presence is one of the most important things you can do, but there are also so many people using the various sites, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle.

There are options outside of Twitter, Facebook and Instagram that could help you and your business get discovered and, in turn, sell your products. While no marketing plan is ever 100 percent guaranteed, here are a few unique ways to get your name into the world to potentially sell your goods and find new customers.

  1. Start Local

It’s good to have dreams of dominating the world market, but before you reach that wide-open space, start within your community. Find ways to get in your local paper, whether through press releases, the events page or advertising. Talk to the paper’s ad rep to see what types of deals you can get for advertising — within your budget — to stay in the public’s eye.

What kinds of events does your community have? Are there local fundraisers that are looking for sponsors or door prizes? Find out how to get involved with these functions and get your products and your name in front of a potential set of customers.

Join your local Chamber of Commerce or business alliance. Are there any professional organizations in your town? Find out, then get involved! One of the best ways to become known in the community is to be actively involved with the people and the commerce that make the town run.

  1. Attend Conferences

One of the best ways to meet people who share the same passions as you is to attend conferences — this can also be incredibly energizing and inspiring. Conferences allow you to network with other business owners and opens the door to be found by new customers. If possible, find a way to participate in the conference as a panelist or presenter instead of just attending. This will put you and your product in the limelight for the world to see.

  1. Give Presentations and/or Speeches

If you have your own business, you probably have a skill set or expertise that gives you a unique perspective on your product. Share that with others. Find out if there is a humanities council in your state looking for speakers, or contact local libraries and other nonprofit organizations about talking to their members.

  1. Develop Something New

As a business owner, you no doubt know exactly what is happening in your industry, so you know if you have something new and unique to offer the world. Even if you don’t at this point, keep working until you find the one thing no one else has done. Then, go out and share it with the world by contacting news sites sharing your story on sites like Manta to get your small business found.

  1. Give Away Freebies

One of the best ways to get people interested in what you have to offer is to give something away. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your product, though it certainly can be. Giveaways can be an effective way to get people through the door of a physical store or to visit your website.

Consider giving away useful things with your logo on it: notebooks, pens, calendars, magnets, stress balls, etc. This will keep you foremost in their minds. Whatever you give away, know that consumers recognize your goodwill and may reward you with more business.

  1. Hand Out Business Cards

This one may seem like a no-brainer, but don’t just limit yourself to handing out cards at business functions. Some local businesses have drawings for other businesses to win free lunches or other services, so make sure to put your business cards in for a chance to win. What about leaving your information in hotel lobbies or restaurants? Leave your cards in places where people who might need them will find them, and hand them out whenever you get the chance.

  1. Send Out Mailers

Whether a brochure, postcard or coupon, sending your information to consumers through the mail gives you the chance to get in front of potential new customers. The world is so inundated with emails and electronic messages, why not take the time to create a mailer that will stand out and get noticed? There are numerous ways to keep the project within budget, including using online printing and mailing services. There are benefits to sending out mailers, so use them to your advantage.

  1. Develop a Street Team

One of the best ways to get new business is through referrals. Find your best and most loyal customers, and have them work for you by recommending you and your business to others. In return for their hard work and dedication, give them special discounts on products or the first chance to see and purchase new merchandise.

  1. Cross-Promote with Another Business

Cross-promoting with another local business is a good way to reach your customers, their customers and potential new customers. Host an event that benefits both of you and highlights the products you have to offer.

  1. Offer Great Customer Service

Customers can be incredibly difficult people to deal with, especially when they expect instant gratification and to be treated like they are always right — even when they aren’t. It can be frustrating to deal with these people, but remember that without them, you don’t have a business. Treat everyone with kindness and a smile, especially when they are driving you crazy.

You never know what kind of day your customer might be having, but by keeping a smile on your face and doing what you can to make them happy, you might turn their situation around and find a customer for life. The better service you give, the more likely you are to have repeat business.

The world keeps growing and expanding, which makes it harder for businesses to be found and to find new customers. Having a presence on the Internet helps, but don’t limit yourself to strictly being online. There are so many unique ways to get your name out there! Try something new and see how it works for you.

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