
The WealthAbility Show Episode #109: A proper business model is essential to the success of the business and the growth of your wealth. It’s often the main factor when valuing a business for investors, operators, and buyers. In this episode, Chris Volk joins Tom to discuss what drives business wealth, and how entrepreneurs, investors, and business owners can tap into this wealth.
Pre-order Tom’s new book, “The Win-Win Wealth Strategy: 7 Investments the Government Will Pay You to Make” at: https://winwinwealthstrategy.com/
00:00 – Intro
03:38 – How do you determine the value of a business?
08:45 – How does depreciation factor into the value of a business?
12:31 – What would investors require to buy into your business?
15:10 – How does the type of cash your business generates impact value?
16:27 – How do you build a business moat?
20:13 – What do businesses need to raise capital?
27:34 – What is the risk of selling your business?
Looking for more on Chris Volk?
Website: www.bullenbooks.com
Book: “The Value Equation: A Business Guide to Creating Wealth for Entrepreneurs and Investors”
Tom Wheelwright, #CPA is a Best-Selling Author, Entrepreneur & Worldwide Authority on Tax. https://wealthability.com/tom/
PODCAST: WealthAbility® For CPAs
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