
Webinar on Impact of Covid-19 on Business Valuation –


The coronavirus pandemic has impacted everything and everyone including Businesses and Economy. Several Businesses have shut down, some are shutting down, being sold or merged into other entities. Business Valuation, the key activity for such transactions is also being impacted by uncertainties in the economy. There have also been several government mandates issued from time to time in a short time. Companies had begun to revamp from the first wave of pandemic itself and then arrival of second wave of the pandemic further complicated the matters. Second wave was severe as compared to the first one by high-frequency indicators, such as mobility trends, dropping auto sales, and rising unemployment rates. On the other hand there are industries and companies of which valuation have outperformed in this pandemic.

The rules governing Business valuations are evolving significantly since inception of Covid-19 and many of these changes will be permanent.

The objective of the webinar is to analyse and deliberate the effect of Covid-19 on Business Valuations. The discussions will be on current and future trends, challenges faced in Business Valuations along with effects on various industries. It will be interactive discussion led by leading experts from industry.


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