
Everything About…409A Valuations –


As an entrepreneur, the valuation of your company is something that you’re always thinking about. However, you may have heard something about a 409A Valuation and are wondering…

What is a 409A Valuation?
– Why do startups need a 409A Valuation?
– When do you need a 409A Valuation?
– How is a 409A Valuation calculated?
– Who can help provide 409A Valuation services?

Early Growth and Bryson Lord from Economics Partners navigate through all those questions and more in this webinar.

In addition to the basics of a 409A valuation, we also address questions about if and how the current COVID-19 pandemic might affect whether you need to update your existing 409A valuation.


The post Everything About…409A Valuations appeared first on HumanitasConnects.

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