In order to establish your brand as a trusted leader in your industry you need to present valuable content. Hosting a podcast in your target market can help you gain more subscribers and followers on social media.
Audio or video episodes that are original and appeal to the needs of your brand’s audience will help your brand stand out. As more readers are turning to their mobile devices for information you can reach an entirely new audience outside your blog.
The right strategy for your show takes planning, consistency, the right tools, and a specific time slot that your audience can expect. Here are several ways your brand’s podcasts can be more successful in the new age of digital marketing online:
- Create a schedule – In addition to your regular content and social media plan you need to add a specific day and time for your broadcasts that works well for your work week. There are many calendar tools available that you can send out to your subscribers so that they never miss an episode.
- Put together a general script – Craft a template that you can follow and customize for each podcast. Include a general introduction that can be used each time and a list of questions if you know them ahead of time. This will help brand your podcasts and provide a familiar voice to your audience.
- Include your profile photo or logo – Choose what you already have established online for your brand and be creative. A fun image can get an audience interested along with consistent brand recognition that matches your website and other online platforms.
- Use catchy titles and a clear description – Stay away from a long, and drawn out headline, and instead quickly grab your audience’s attention with catchy titles that speak directly to their most pressing needs and questions. Let people know right away what your show is about without writing too much information that will leave them feeling bored. This should be done with the right keywords for each topic, and without selling to them directly.
Creating a podcast on a consistent basis will keep your personal brand on top when it comes to building more visibility. Track your progress each month on the number of interactions, subscribers, clicks, ect. through services like Google Analytics. The process may take time to build a loyal following, but in the end will help your brand stand out from the rest and establish a name for itself online.
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