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Thinking of Leaving Your Company? 4 Reasons to Stay – Personal Branding Blog


Even if you have a job that you are generally happy with, maintaining enthusiasm and motivation every day and in every single task is often not possible. Sometimes, you might be overwhelmed by the less pleasant parts of your work and wonder whether staying at your current job is worth that stress.

However, before you decide to jump ship, take a step back to consider why you have stayed as long as you have, and why the grass may not be greener somewhere else.

1. Your Work Has Purpose and Meaning

A job can be just a job, especially as you figure out what actually makes you happy, but when you find that job that gives you purpose and meaning or helps you live out what you are meant to do, that’s something worth holding onto.

Where do you find purpose and meaning in your job? It could be that you align strongly with the company’s core values. Or, it could be that you feel driven to help provide a positive experience for your customers and coworkers.

Every employee has unique talents. If you know what your gifts and talents are, you can help create the best work environment and raise overall job satisfaction for yourself and your coworkers.

2. Gifted and Talented Co-Workers

“If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” ~ Confucius.

That quote couldn’t be more relevant in a working environment. The best employees often stay because they are surrounded by top talent, which, if combined, can lead to massive creativity.

Talented employees challenge each other to be better and more innovative. Staying in the company long-term allows you to cultivate your work ethics and identity; you discover your abilities, strengths, and possible areas of improvement.

As a result, you can become a strong and candid mentor, soundboard, and communicator for best practices and lessons learned. Besides, talented employees are pillars of patience in times of disruption or transition.

Working with gifted co-workers also fosters creative partnerships and friendships, which can go a long way to make the company more competitive.

Instead of having a toxic work environment rife with gossip, creative partnerships encourage healthy competition that inspires new employees to be better.

Ultimately, if you have great colleagues that positively challenge and encourage you to grow, stay with them. The shared learning experiences and creative partnerships that surround them wouldn’t be easy to replicate somewhere else.

3. Recognized and Respected

As a great employee, you probably prove your worth daily by helping to set and maintain the company’s productive rhythm, mentoring other workers, and willingly stepping up when needed.

When you make your unique expertise and talents obvious, your contribution to the company will earn you tremendous respect and recognition at all levels of the organization, and particularly leadership.

Other than doing things that will earn you respect from management, you should also interact well with co-workers by being helpful, reliable, mentoring others, and supporting them where and when necessary.

Good interaction with your peers will make them recognize and respect you. When you work hard to be valued at the organization, you won’t have a reason to leave.

You have worked hard to earn the trust and respect you deserve. If you jump ship, you’ll have to start building your reputation all over again, so that’s something to keep in mind.

4. The Opportunity to Advance Your Career

According to LinkedIn’s research, 94% of employees say they would stay at an organization longer if there were additional learning opportunities. The interest in career advancement is especially prominent in younger workers.

LinkedIn’s research also unveiled that approximately 25% of millennials and Gen Z cite learning as the primary reason to be happy at work. And 27% of Gen Z and millennials quit their jobs because the company didn’t give them learning and growth opportunities.

Prestige is powerful. Even if you don’t work in a Fortune 1000 company, chances are you want to move up the ranks in your current organizations.

Most employers know this, which is why they offer you opportunities to advance your career – impressive job titles, noteworthy duties, a bigger office, and more. But if your current company doesn’t offer opportunities to learn and grow, you can suggest it during one-on-one interactions with your manager. Showing employee initiative might be the impetus they need to start creating a workplace that’s conducive to growth.

Bottom Line

On days when you feel like you just want to quit, take a deep breath, and consider the positives of working for your current company.

You should never sell yourself short and accept less-than-fair working conditions. However, considering the pros and cons of changing jobs will help you realize that things may not be as grim as they sometimes look.

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